Hello, hello!
And welcome to this fortnight’s Nest News! Well, after the excitement of last Nest News, I bet you’re all worried that this one will be a damp squib when you've had fireworks all week.
But sit tight my fluffy darlings, because there’s plenty of the good stuff for you right here!
Contents for this week:

Community Meeting: You, and me, and everybody
As we always say – Nest is run and created by its participants. Participation from all of you sexy beasts is absolutely KEY to Nest being as amazing as it is, and making it better than ever.
So between that and the fact that we miss all your faces, we’ve scheduled an essential Community Meeting! Whoop! Deets as follows…
Sunday 10 December
14:00. (That’s 2 of the clock in the PM!)
Living Space, Waterloo
1 Coral St, Lambeth, London SE1 7BE
This can only be your friendly announcement that you will be able to register your Nest Profile from 13 November. Oooohhhhh!
That can only mean one thing…

Cheap, cheap, cheap – said the Super Early Bird!
In case you’ve forgotten (and if you have, how very dare you?!) Super Early Bird memberships are open for purchase on 12:00 GMT - 24 November! That’s right – just after pay day. How convenient!!!
Put it in your diary NOW!
Our New Facebook group
We’ve realised it’s actually quite difficult for Nestlings to navigate needs, requests and interactions on our Facebook Page, so we have set up a Burning Nest Community Group on Facebook, where you can share stories and talk about how wonderful we all are. Awwwhhh.
Please remember that we all ascribe to the Nest principles and we are guided by them in our interactions with each other, including those online. Inclusion, civic responsibility and gifting are as important as self expression.
There will be some guidelines coming out for you all to reference if you’re wondering and should you ever be puzzled.
Right, that’s your lot. I’m off to make new wings for Decom… oh yes DECOM! And AfterParty!! Much excite!! I’ll be there with a good few of the Core Team. We’ll be in attendance at the chat on Participation at midnight (you know how we feel about Participation!) and we’d love to see you – come and get a consensual hug!
If you’re not Decomming we’ll be at Burning Pub on the following Thursday. And the Community Meeting after that… bloomin’ ‘eck you’re going to be sick of the sight of us by Christmas!
Lots and lots of love,
Nest Central