Fire Performance Lead
About this role
Fire Performancee Lead
Must have reasonable fire performance safety knowledge, preferably with experience running open fire circles in settings where crowd management is required. Fire extinguisher training and fire marshal training would be useful but not essential
Must be sober and wearing fire safe clothing when managing fire performance spaces
Required skills
Key duties in the lead up to Burning Nest
- Liaise with and support other leads and key members of the team
- Update fire performance safety-related paperwork such as risk assessments and safety protocols
- Advocate for best practice related to fire performance safety
- Engage with performers and safeties about fire performance safety practices
- Ensure there is fire safety equipment onsite for fire performances including fire extinguisher, fire blankets or wet towels etc
- Organise insurance
- Organise fuel (preferably Isopar G or Isopar H) and keep up to date with safest fire spinning fuels available
Key duties during the week of Burning Nest
- Check performance spaces for fire safety equipment and good fire safety practices
- Ensure appropriate equipment is onsite and will be available for Burn night
- Engage with fire spinners, ensure newbies have support
- Ensure medics are informed and encourage them to attend organised performances
Key duties on Saturday and Sunday
Organise fire performance, attend Burn prep meeting (might be earlier in the week)
Key duties following the Burn
- Ensure equipment gets returned/removed from site as appropriate
- Check any relevant incident reports and assess whether follow up needed
- Write a post-Burn report including what went well, challenges, incidents, learnings, and what you would change next time
Get Isopar G or H if possible, or Pegasol 3440 Special or equivalent if Isopar can’t be sourced. Plan this well in advance - likely to take months to sort out. The specific letters/numbers are really important.
Additional information
2-5 hours per week as needed from January to May
Up to 10 hours during the week (you can be flexible about how involved you are in any fire performances during the week so long as there are responsible people overseeing them)
2-4 hours on Saturday to attend and run briefings and organise fire performance
Responsible for equipment
Fire safety equipment:
- Extinguisher (should be hired so in date)
- At least 2 fire blankets or wet towels
Responsible for ensuring this will be available onsite, organising logistics if needed, getting them to the relevant site, removing and putting them away afterwards
Responsible for volunteers
Fire safeties/spotters especially for Saturday evening
This role reports to Health and Safety Lead
Apply to this role
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