Burning Nest is a do-ocracy, and is entirely run by volunteers. Nothing happens unless we make it happen! This means you get to contribute to exactly the kind of experiences you want to have, and enjoy the your and everybody else's creativity and effort.
What's your passion?
No matter what you’re passionate about, we guarantee there’s a way for you to get involved - and meet some other wonderful humans while you’re at it. Whether toting a radio with our heroic ranger team, building essential infrastructure, greeting the Nestling arrivals, creating décor and signage, offering a workshop, guiding an experience, or drafting genius web content, participation is the best possible way to immerse yourself in the Burn experience.
Participate through Art and Creativity!
Burn's are about self-expression and how you do that is up to you! We have a number of different areas of Burning Nest that you can express yourself and one of which is by making something or bringing something to the Burn. There's budget available to support your ideas too!
To join in the Nest Arts team or to apply for a small or large Arts Grant, take a look at the Burning Nest Arts page.

New to Nest?
New to Nest? Read more about our core principles of Communal Effort and Gifting.
Ways to get involved:
- Join the organising team
- Volunteer during the Burning Nest event
- Collaborate or create an art piece
- Bring or join a theme camp
- Put on an event
Join the organising team
Help us organise Burning Nest 2025! We are always grateful for those who can gift their passion and energy throughout the year to help organise Nest.
The Nest organising team is comprised of Nestlings like you, gifting their time and skills in the months leading up to the event.
All open roles are listed in the organising page. If you want to lend a hand but still aren't sure how, or if you have enough capacity for the role, please get in touch with us at
Volunteer to work during the event
As well as joining the organising team as a volunteer, you can also join the event volunteer team. Together we make the event happen. Nest is almost entirely volunteer run. We make it happen!