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[784] [talk_appp_feat_yesn] event 199131 b841p Talk [exhb_loca show=loca_lati2][exhb_loca show=loca_long2] [exhb_prof show=prof_name] [exhb_prof show=prof_numb] [exhb_prof show=prof_link_urll_1] [if exhb_prof show=prof_imag_1 not_equal=""][exhb_prof show=prof_imag_1 size=medium][/if exhb_prof][if exhb_prof show=prof_imag_1 equals=""][/if exhb_prof][exhb_phot_file size=medium][if exhb_img1][exhb_img1 size=medium][/if exhb_img1][if exhb_img2][exhb_img2 size=medium][/if exhb_img2][if exhb_img3][exhb_img3 size=medium][/if exhb_img3] [exhb_cost][if exhb_cost equals=""]See website[/if exhb_cost] [exhb_cats sep=", " links=0][if exhb_cats equals=""]All other[/if exhb_cats] PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A DOWNLOAD!

This is best done over a wi-fi connection as the file may be several MB which could take minutes on a 3G connection.

[/if exhb_inap_yesn]

About the exhibition:

[exhb_desc] [if exhb_subt]Artist(s): [/if exhb_subt][exhb_subt]

Exhibition location:

See this location on a map.

[if exhb_tour_type equals="tour"]This is a downloadable exhibition. More information on the locations of the photos is found within the download.[/if exhb_tour_type]
[if exhb_date_star]


[/if exhb_date_star] [exhb_date_star format="d/m/y"][if exhb_time_star] to [/if exhb_time_star] [exhb_date_endd format="d/m/y"] [if exhb_time_open].[/if exhb_time_open] [if exhb_time_open]

Opening times - [/if exhb_time_open] [exhb_time_open][if exhb_time_open].[/if exhb_time_open] [if exhb_date_star]

[/if exhb_date_star]

Booking information:

Cost: [exhb_cost][if exhb_tour_type equals="tour"]

This is a downloadable exhibition. To view this exhibition, click the download button! This exhibition will then be downloaded and stored on your device until you hit the 'remove' button.[/if exhb_tour_type]

Call on: [exhb_prof show=prof_numb][if exhb_prof show=prof_numb equals=""]see exhibition website[/if exhb_prof]

For more information, visit the exhibition website

Image Credit:

[exhb_phot_cred] ]]>
[exhb_phot_file size=thumbnail] [exhb_phot_file size=full] [exhb_tour_link] [exhb_date_star format="d-m-o"][exhb_date_endd format="d-m-o"]