The Aether above, Nest below.
Everything you need to know about all things Art
Check back for a ‘mood board’ to give you ideas and inspiration that sparks creativity and collaboration. But we welcome your own interpretation of the theme. Show us what a this year’s theme means to you.
For any further information or questions please email us at
Got an amazing idea? Something you'd love to see at Nest? Whether it's beautiful, interactive, thought-provoking, fun, challenging (or all of the above), we want it.
Whether you are a visual artist, musician, performer, maker, or creator, you can get involved with art at Nest.
Art Grants
Visual artists, creators, and makers: Bring you art to Nest! Find out more on the Art Grants page. We want your talents, your love, your sculpture, your LED extravagance, your interactive nonsense, and your souls.
Here's an article from 2023 explaining the ins and outs of making Art at Nest.
Temple and Effigy
Designers, Artists, Builders, and Fire Starters: Do you want to create an awe-inspiring structure and then destroy it with fire? Then you probably want to submit a design for the Temple or Effigy.
Musicians, Performers, and Workshop Leaders, add your own event by submitting it to the Programme. Bring your strange happenings, hilarious shows, skills and experiments. You can also contact one of the Sound Camps to perform there, details will be shared closer to the event. There will be opportunities to join the Nest Cabaret at The Point (Usually Friday night) or another open mic/talent show throughout the week.
Here's an article from 2023 about the ins and outs of getting something in the programme!
Nest Arts Community
All artists at Nest, follow this link to join the Arts Information group. Here, you can meet other artists, discuss ideas, hear about Nest decor and making sessions, catch important information and dates, mutually support each other, and just chat and hang out with other Burner artists!
Note: this is not the Arts Circle for organising. But you can...
Join the Arts Circle
Contact to join the team. There are roles of every description! Even for non-arty people.
Organisers, spreadsheet gurus, policy wonks, yes, we want you too! The Arts Circle has a lot of moving parts, and we need people with their heads solidly attached and feet firmly grounded to help make our dreams a reality, from an organisational perspective.
Decorators, Designers, and people who are good with ladders, join the Decor Team to help transform our forest oasis into an absurd cosmic carnival full of mystery and wonder and delight.
Visionaries, vibe makers, and people who want to make a theme camp but can’t be bothered to make a theme camp join the Point Team, to create a thriving hub of creativity and connection in our biggest venue: The Point. Think of it as a ready made blank canvas theme camp, waiting for you to put your mark on it.
Art Installers, tech wizards, and people great with drills, help Nest's artists implement their artistic visions as an advisor to community members bringing art projects.