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Fire Response Lead

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About this role

  • Organise fire response on Burn nights
  • Manage volunteers
  • Advocate for safety of fire marshal volunteers and Nestlings
  • Engage with other leads around any fire-related safety decisions
  • Liaise with Burn Site Leads around engaging with Temple and Effigy team in the design and build phases to advise them on designing and building to burn and fall safely and efficiently
  • Liaise with other key people related to fire safety and crowd control


You must...

Attend Ranger training

Must be sober on shift

Must wear fire safe clothing on Saturday and Sunday evening shifts (natural fibres – cotton/wool or specialist fire response gear) and sturdy footwear, preferably hair covered

Key duties in the lead up to Burning Nest

  • Liaise with and support other leads and key members of the team
  • Coordinate with other leads to determine size of perimeter, time of volunteer briefings etc
  • Schedule fire marshal volunteer briefings, ensure volunteers know when these are, book them in the WWW guide
  • Prepare notes for volunteer briefings
  • Recruit volunteers for both of the major Burns of the event (typically effigy on Saturday and temple on Sunday)
  • Communicate with volunteers the week before Nest to remind them of requirements
  • Organise equipment

Key duties during the week of Burning Nest

  • Liaise with other leads
  • Recruit/liaise with volunteers, introduce yourself onsite if possible
  • Ensure appropriate equipment is onsite and will be available for your team on Saturday and Sunday
  • Attend pre-burn leads meeting (could be Saturday or earlier in the week)

Key duties on Saturday and Sunday

  • Deliver fire response volunteer briefings before each burn including what is expected of volunteers, what they will respond to and how, procedures, how to be safe, how other volunteers will support etc.
  • Attend other meetings/briefings as appropriate
  • Support volunteers before, during and after the Burns
    • Making them feel comfortable with what will happen
    • Being available to them if they have questions, concerns, issues etc.
  • Sign in/out each volunteer of their shifts and debrief (what went well, what could be better, support and get help for them if needed)
  • Direct the response to any risks or incidents related to your area and coordinate with other leads as appropriate

Key duties following the Burn

  • Ensure equipment gets returned/removed from site as appropriate
  • Fill in any relevant incident reports
  • Follow up with volunteers
  • Write a post-Burn report including what went well, challenges, incidents, learnings, and what you would change next time

Required skills

Responsible for equipment

Fire response equipment (shared responsibility with Health and Safety Lead):

  • Extinguishers (should be hired so in date) for whole site not just burn sites
  • Buckets with water
  • Fire blankets or wet towels

Responsible for ensuring this will be available onsite, organising logistics if needed, getting them to the relevant site, removing and putting them away afterwards

  • Radios for fire marshal team
  • Optional: hi vis vests or other identification if you think this is useful for safety purposes

Responsible for volunteers

Fire marshal volunteers – 2-6 people per night depending on experience, size of burn and other risk factors

Additional information


2-5 hours per week as needed from January to May


Approx 5 hours during the week

Saturday afternoon for briefings then approx. 7pm-midnight

Sunday afternoon for briefings then approx. 7pm-midnight

This lead/co-lead role reports to Health and Safety Lead and Burn Site Lead

Apply to this role

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