Consent Response Team Volunteer
Role contact

About this role
The Consent Response Team manages the three reporting mechanisms (online form, email and consent drop boxes), in terms of preparing them, checking them and processing any reports received.
This team works with the event time Site Lead to agree upon a course of action for any reports received and to support any action requested. Working with Rangers, Welfare, Security and Medics depending upon the requested action and the skill set required.
Event time volunteers in this team regularly check for any reports during their shift and manage any reports received.
The lowest level incident (known as Blue graded incidents) can be resolved directly by Consent Response volunteers assuming there are no aggravated factors and no conflicts of interest. The results and outcome are then reported to the event (usually cuts an online form).
Incidents with greater risk (known as Orange and Red graded incidents) need to be passed to the Site Lead and an agreement made to the course of action.
This may require the Consent Response volunteer to conduct an investigation, to interview people, and to conduct welfare checks.
Volunteers work in coordination with other teams and paid staff depending upon the action required.
Rangers can help where any interpersonal contact is required, this is particularly important where two people are needed to speak with someone.
Medics can be utilised if physical or mental health support is required, people can also be escorted to Welfare if needed.
Security are used if there is expected to be a dangerous confrontation or if someone may be evicted from the site.
We are looking at recruiting 24 volunteers to help with a time commitment of around 10-20 hours in total.
At least one 6.5 hour shift (Tuesday-Sunday 9am-3pm and 3pm-9pm).
2 hours per month pre-event for training and support.
1.5 hours on site training.
2 hours post event for wrap up meeting.
Required skills
Consent Response volunteers are required to have some level of consent, conflict, mediation, interviewing and decision making experience.
Volunteers are expected to be able to review information for relevant points (urgent actions, safeguarding, legal responsibilities); liaise with other teams, supervisor; speak to victims/survivors of incidents as well as people accused of being responsible; and helping with decision making for possible outcomes. All in a fair and reasonable manner taking into account and recognising potential conflicts of interest.
Additional information
The Consent Response Team Lead is CK.
All Consent Team volunteers are welcome to join Consent Camp at Burning Nest 2025. Not a theme camp but a shared space with a communal sheltered social area, hot water shower, hammocks and kitchen. This is not an open space but one for Consent Team members to relax and socialise with each other and invited guests.
Apply to this role
Please complete this form in order to apply for this role.