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You're registering for the member's section of Burning Nest. Inside you'll be able to create and edit your Burner Bio, buy tickets (when on sale) and get involved.

Please note that you can use any name you like. Your name will be used by the site to communicate with you and when you consent to communicate with others within the site. Your Burner Bio gives you the option to choose to use your Burner name there if you prefer.

If you don't receive your email confirmation within a few minutes then please use the contact us form and send a message to the Ticketing, Website and Tech team.

About you

This will only be used by the website to identify you, it will not be shown - please use letters, no spaces i.e. henriettalacks
cancel1 check1 Eight characters minimum cancel1 check1 One lowercase letter cancel1 check1 One uppercase letter cancel1 check1 One number cancel1 check1 One special character
To confirm your registration we'll send an email to you after you submit this. Make sure you've entered it right or you won't be able to register 🙂

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