To get a ticket, register here or sign-in here.
Ticket Sale Dates
- Soft launch is now complete and we sold 100 tickets in less than 10 minutes!
- The ACTUAL tickets sale will be on:
12.01 @ 1:12 PM
- Inclusion tickets applications open on the same date.
- Make sure you are ticket ready:
- Register you Burner Bio.
- Complete the Burning Questions on the Event Agreement.
- Get you ticket code and you are all ready to go!!
- One (1) adult ticket per Burner Bio, plus children’s tickets.
- If you have somehow managed to buy more than one ticket (how the hell did you do that?!?) the other attendee will also have to register.
Inclusion Tickets
- Each year Burning Nest reserves ~10% of it's ticket allocation to be provided at a reduced rate to those who wouldn't be able to attend without, in line with our Radical Inclusion principle.
- Low income tickets are open to anyone who is facing a financial or other life circumstances and wouldn't be able to attend Burning Nest at the full price.
- Carers tickets are available only to those providing (paid or unpaid) caring for someone else who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem, or an addiction would not be able to attend Burning Nest without their support.
- The application process for Inclusion tickets opens with the ticket sale date above.
- Every Inclusion Ticket application will be anonymised and reviewed by a team against a standard set of criteria including employment status, income, and some other factors. Please see the FAQ below for more details on the full process.
- We aim to review and send back a result to each applicant within one month.
- Successful applicants will receive an inclusion code by email to buy a unique ticket with, which are valid for a fixed period of two months. If they are not used they will be cancelled and issued to the next applicant on the list.
- The Inclusion Ticket form will close when all inclusion tickets have been allocated. When unclaimed tickets are released the application form will be reopened.
- Inclusion tickets cannot be transferred directly. If you can no longer attend please contact to refund your ticket.