All the amazing!
Yay, Nestlings! We’re so happy to be in regular contact with you all again! Ok, even by my standards, there are a LOT of words on this email. But also a lot of important info. Please make sure you read it all, hippies!
After last Nest News, we realised that there are some new people who are maybe a little bit OMG WTF? about everything… If you are new, we are so happy to have you. If you’re not, do invite some noobs to Nest News!
Ours is a perfectly formed Burning Man regional event which takes place in the UK in Spring… we’ve grown massively in the last couple of years and we are full of super cool and loving people and participants. We follow the same Burner principles and we’re the perfect place to start for engaging with the UK Burner community. If you’ve stumbled across us: WELCOME. If you want to know more, check out the Burning Nest website, our Nest Facebook page and keep reading!
There are so many incredible announcements to make, I honestly don’t know where to start.
So, hold on to your asses, Nestlings. You need to prepare for this one.
Contents for this week:

...There's no place like HOME
Guys… You all need to buy a hat. Because we reckon this might be The One.
Not much more than 20 minutes out of Exeter, alongside lush woodland and fields and several waterways… super easy to get to alongside having the all serenity and privacy we desire… catering to our infrastructure needs, better for our families, better for sound camps, for installations, for the beautiful rolling English countryside. And hosts who are super excited to have us.
Again, like last year, we will NOT be publicising the venue. This is to protect YOU... so suck it up, buttercup! We promise you will be given the information you need as and when you need it and more besides but not the address on a public forum.
A key piece of that info is that to accommodate moving to our new Home, we’ve had to shift the dates slightly for 2018 only. Burning Nest 2018 is now scheduled for 4 – 10 June. Yes, we know you might have to juggle other EU Burn events and that we miss out on the Bank Hol … but you know it’s going to be worth it.
A site visit by the Core Team is but weeks away. We will bring photos and videos and more besides back to share with you all.
Theme 2018: Portals of the Multiverse
For millennia humanity has gazed into the night sky and wondered at what they observed. Even today we continue to speculate about all that is unknown in the universe.
Are we one of many worlds, each with their own unique physical laws? Will we someday travel hyperspace and explore the edges of black holes? Might we encounter inter-dimensional beings? Is there another version of you in a parallel universe? And would you be friends, if you were to meet?
Come play with the boundaries of interstellar existence. Invite your friends to other planets. Navigate a cruise across the planes of reality. Bring galactic secrets back through wormholes that connect past with future. Compose a sonata for string (theory). Become your own doppelganger from another cosmos. Teach people to dance in zero gravity. Fall through the holes in space and time and programme a simulation behind the stars.
The gate to Nest is a portal to the alternate realities of your dreams – start dreaming!

Membership Sale - End of November
I mean, how do you follow that? As if there could be more exciting news this week?!
Well… Hahaha! Guess what?! There is.
Nest Core is on it, like a car bonnet, for 2018. As you know, we are a community event. Membership is integral to making Nest happen. As much as we hate to make it about money, in order to enable all the amazing art that’s going to take us through the Portals of the Multiverse, we need those who are committed, to sign up for membership and help us with the funds to support our artists and our camps.
The early membership responders will land the cheapest cost bracket for standard membership, as well as the honour of being fundamental to kicking off what is set to be the best Nest on record. Membership purchasing for Super Early Birds will open on 24 November for the bargain price of only £95. Just before you start all your Christmas spending… Oooh, how convenient!
This is the cheapest price you will be able to get for standard membership so don't delay. We will release the full breakdown of membership tiers and prices in our next Nest News.
Well, I dunno about you, but after all that, I’m spent. More than enough excitement for me for this week. ...I’m off to sit on my rock and lure in some sailors.
If you need me, holla Siren@burningnest.co.uk or catch me on the Facebook page.
We have loads of other brilliant things to share with you in a fortnight… we thought maybe one change of underwear was more than enough for this Nest News. See you in two weeks!!
Lots of hot, hot love
~ Siren ~
Nest Central