Afternoon, glorious Nestlings! I hope you all have your memberships in hand, your packing lists are coming along nicely, and your transport options all booked in.
If this is your first Burn, we know it can all be a bit daunting. All the talk of radical self-reliance, consent, water supplies and principles can feel a bit much. But remember: you get from Nest, what you put in! So bring your talents, share your stories, and above all else - be excellent to each other.
All the information you need will be on the Nest website. We have a packing list available to give you an idea of what to bring - don't forget your cup! If you have any specific questions, please reach out to us on the Facebook Group or Event page, or via email. Directions to site will be given closer to the event, via our mailing list, so please make sure you're signed up to that!