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Oh em gee, we got a Discord!

By Nest 2022

Hey Nestlings! We know that building a community and chatting amongst ourselves is a bit difficult on Facebook, because of The Algorithms. Not to mention that you might not want your Great Aunty Jean reading your conversation about the best roll-on body paint for your Smurf costume…

So we’ve decided to launch our own Discord server! If you are down with the kids and know all about Discord already, follow this link to join.

If you aren’t sure how Discord works, don’t despair! There is a great beginner’s guide here, and in short: it’s a free server with multiple channels that allow you to chat! You can talk via text (like Slack) or in a voice channel. The app is available for your phone, tablet or computer, so you can chat on the go too.

A community is only as good as its members though, so join up, and tell your friends! We want our Discord to be a place for all burners - old, new and prospective! Feedback is very welcome too - if you think we need a channel for something, tell us!

Reduce your food miles with our communal Riverford food order!

By Community, Nest 2020

Communal Effort is one of our 11 Principles here at Burning Nest. This can take many forms (and let's be honest, our event wouldn't exist without it), but one of our favourites is the way our community bands together to solve a common goal.

This year, one of our stars, Iona, has volunteered to co-ordinate a communal fruit and veg order from Riverford Farm, a veg box company located near our site in Exeter.

This will mean a lot less driving on and off site, as we will be getting a delivery at the beginning of the week and one in the middle.

If you'd like to join in on this community-organised initiative, please do the following:

  • Put your name at the top of a new column. If you are requesting two deliveries, create two columns and name them appropriately
  • Specify the quantity in KGs or Grams or Units, of the item you'd like, in the correct box in the column
  • When you have selected everything you'd like, use the Unit Prices for each item to calculate your total cost, and enter it at the bottom of the column in the "Total Cost Of Your Order" row
  • Please transfer via Paypal, the total amount to Iona at Remember to select "Friends and Family" so that Iona does not get charged extra for providing this service! If you'd prefer to send your payment as a "Payment For Goods and Services", please add on 3.4% + 20p, so that your total amount does not fall short.
  • Last orders are Monday 11th May - so get started nice and early!

If you have any questions about the service at all, please contact Iona directly!

Join us for discussion on Loomio!

By Community

Here at Burning Nest, we take participation and community decision-making very seriously. This can sometimes be difficult on platforms such as Facebook, where algorithms often mean that important information is lost.

We are currently trialling a platform called Loomio, that enables communities to discuss, vote and make decisions, outside of a space designed to sell advertising.

If you'd like to get involved and have your say (we are currently running a trial, restricted to 100 members due to cost), please join up here! Simply click the "Join Group" button, and create a profile. You will need to be approved, but it should only take a day or so for someone to notice you and let you in.

The more involved everyone gets in using Loomio, the better it will be - if you have strong feelings on anything to do with how Nest is run, or want to offer advice or help, please join! There are Help topics available too, if you get stuck.

Much love x

Nest 2019: We need volunteers!

By Community

For those that attended one of the many Decom events in London recently, I hope you had a fab time, connected with both old and new friends, had a shed load of fun and managed to decompress. During Daycom Amanda (Lead Cat Wrangler), Iona (Lead Community Ambassador) and Radiant (Lead Ranger) gave a short chat about Nest to a group of experienced and virginal burners.

We had a lot of feedback about how many of you though 2018 was our best Nest yet (and as of course we had constructive stuff that we are working on too, but lets focus on the fluffy stuff here!). For the core team, we work on Nest though out the year, starting with just a few hours a month and building to ...well... whatever you have time for! Many of the core team have kindly (nuttily) agreed to take on the roles they had last year, however we want to ensure we are giving other community members the opportunity to get involved too, so we think its important to bring in co-leads for each function as a more manageable way to bring people into the organisation. The idea of co-leads is to reduce burnout and build a more capable and inclusive team, the more the merrier. If we are gonna be "Burnier Than Thou", lets also not forget about the brownie points you'd be getting for some of our principles;

participation, self-reliance, communal effort, civic responsibility and hopefully a bit of self expression too.

The lead roles we are really keen to find some lovely peeps for asap are;

Arts; lots of help needed here; Decor Lead, Art Project & Grants lead
Community; Ambassador Co Lead
Tech; Co Lead (with design experience)
Cat Wrangling; (Volunteering) Co Lead
Rangering: Co Lead

We would also love some folks that would love to turn both the gate and our fluffing experience into a really wowing experience, what do you think would be amazing and how would you do it? Crazier the better!

As you can see there is a real diversity of roles. So if you think now is the time you wanna step up and give a bit more back to the community, please email We can have a chat about what you'd like to do and we can point you in the right direction.

Nest is only as good as the effort we ALL put into it, so come on and show us how fab you are!