Hey Nestlings! We know that building a community and chatting amongst ourselves is a bit difficult on Facebook, because of The Algorithms. Not to mention that you might not want your Great Aunty Jean reading your conversation about the best roll-on body paint for your Smurf costume…
So we’ve decided to launch our own Discord server! If you are down with the kids and know all about Discord already, follow this link to join.
If you aren’t sure how Discord works, don’t despair! There is a great beginner’s guide here, and in short: it’s a free server with multiple channels that allow you to chat! You can talk via text (like Slack) or in a voice channel. The app is available for your phone, tablet or computer, so you can chat on the go too.
A community is only as good as its members though, so join up, and tell your friends! We want our Discord to be a place for all burners - old, new and prospective! Feedback is very welcome too - if you think we need a channel for something, tell us!