And here we are. Last Nest News before Nest itself. Here’s where you get some sneak peeks of what is going down!! The Portal… wait, wasn’t that last year? What?!!! Where… Errr… WHEN?
Get IN
If you’ve got a membership, you will have had your secret instructions to get to us by now. If you haven't, please email us! Getting in is through the Gate - hereafter known as The Portal.
Open 8am-Midnight, Monday to Saturday, it is the place to get zapped and RADICALLY WRISTBANDED. Even if you manage to materialize at a time when The Portal is dark, make sure you return to The Portal to be processed. If nobody appears to ever be there, maybe check you're in the right field.... Do Bring the PDF from Quicket. Do make sure it has YOUR details on it. If you’ve had your membership transferred, person you got it from MUST ALLOCATE IT TO YOU via Quicket, not just forward you the email.
After Midday on Tuesday, vehicles will not be allowed past gate to drive down to the festival site. You will be able to park in the free camping car park space and carry items down to site. Exceptions to that rule include camp infrastructure vehicles, access vehicles, and theme camp camper vans. These exceptions will be issued with a pass and instructions to use a different entrance by The Portal Posse. There will be limited passes for vehicles to drop off infastructure – you may need to be patient.
Some Portal FAQs:
'Will it take me to Narnia?' No, no, wrong narrative. No turkish delight for you. Hop along to your library for some CS Lewis shit.
'May I have a banana' Probably
'This looks like fun! Can I join The Portal Posse?' Well actually, fuck yeah you can!!! We'd love to have you!!
Portal Vols! There will be lots of tools at The Portal for you to create memorable entry experiences for other Nestlings. To make the right life choices and Exist in The Portal, check out when you might take a 'shift' space on this handy spreadsheet and then email The Mistress Of The Portal with slot request to earn yourself a little space in Ms Puddles small, charred heart. No, special privileges of allowing your mates in sans wrist band do NOT exist in the Portal Posse. We are responsible (also we have legal shit to adhere to so.. you know).
GROUP BOOKINGS for shifts is wildly encouraged, get as many Nestlings together as poss FOR A MONUMENTAL GATE RAVE where you can positively engulf new arrivals with your vibes!!
Once you are.. err.. in
Well, what are you going to do with your time? They say Burners are divided in two: those who like to wing it and read this on the way back to default life to find out what they missed, and those with colour coded sharpies to plan everything to the last second… So, for you, Sharpie Penned freaks, here you are. SNEAK PEAK WWW GUIDE!
We have limited analogue versions to go around in the Glade, so in the interests of Immediacy download to your phone and then switch to aeroplane if that’s your thang. And as well as your WWW guide... here's the Official 2019 MAP!

Getting Involved
So we’re still on the look out for odd volunteers. Rangers and LNT especially. Volunteering is literally the most fun you can have outside of Camp Crumpet, so please do do do sign up. Get those smug warm saintly feelings free of charge, by emailing Mands. vols@burningnest.co.uk
We’ll be having a Community Meeting to talk about how we are evolving and growing as a Community so don’t miss that. On Saturday at The Point.
AND if you want to do some other crazy shizzle, then actually, you can bring it to The Point. Yes, the WWW guide might be printed, but there’s still loads of opportunity to bring something to our central hub of activity.
You can exhibit art at The Pointed Gallery, the smallest to most enormous 2D art along The Point walls, or bring a last minute workshop – don’t be shy – bring what you have to make this YOUR community space in the Glade.
For interactive things, it’s a 12mx12m pointed pavilion for you to take over the gaps in the schedule. Check the programme and if you see a free slot, do a POINT TAKE OVER! Be random and spontaneous or share your plans on the board that day to make something happen. Only condition is if it’s during the day, make sure it’s ok for kids to see.
If you can dream it, then you can probably do it at The Point.
See you all there, you gorgeous Nestlings xxx