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Come to our Community Meeting on 2nd February!

By Uncategorized

We wanted to send all our beloved Nestlings a quick note to let you know that our first Community Meeting of 2020 is coming up very soon!

It will be held at The Apple Tree Pub in London on Sunday 2nd February, from 1pm - 3pm!

We have made a Facebook event for you to join - please sign up so we can get an idea about numbers. If you have any questions about accessibility, or anything else, please email

What happens at a Community Meeting?

Good question! As Burning Nest is a collaborative event, we want every member to be involved. Our Community Meetings are a chance for you to have your say, meet other Nestlings, and find out more about the processes we use to make decisions.

Whether you're a dusty, seasoned Burner, or a newly-hatched chick, we want you to come! So sign up on Facebook, and see you there on the 2nd February!

Volunteers and Leads urgently needed! Can you help make Nest 2019 AMAZING?

By Community

Hey all you lovely Nestlings! Not long now before the big event, can't you feel it in the spring air? Let's get excited, but before that... let's get active!

Due to some personal crisises we've had folks drop out of key roles and we URGENTLY NEED YOU to help. Below is a list of ABSOLUTELY-NEEDED-TO MAKE-NEST-FANTASTIC roles. Don't fret though, in your role you'll have a load of fabulous and experienced peeps to back you up. So here goes;


LIGHTING LEAD - install lighting around the site along main walkways, also decoratively light up certain areas of the site. Working with Power Lead.

STRIKE LEAD - Co-ordinate the site clean up, and make sure outside contracted items, such as skips and loos, are picked up. Co-ordinate taking items back to storage, keep and inventory or items and return borrowed items


DECOR CO-LEAD - assist Decor lead with co-ordinating the beautification of public spaces, core infrastructure and other stuff, recruit decor volunteers and oversee them during Build. During Strike, separate reusable decor from perishables; catalogue & store for transportation. Great for someone with a creative eye who likes to improvise and ideally has some experience with rigging decor. Must be available on site for build and strike.

THE POINT LEAD - Lots of liaising, layout, events, physical structure. This would be a good role for anybody who is excited at the idea of making The Point a more interesting and well-used space - it's a good opportunity for developing new ideas for using the space well.

You all know by now how Nest works I'm sure, WE NEED YOU! (Just think of that famous sign, with a feather boa and limited clothing, some LEDs obviously!) Please email to get involved, you know you want to!

Mands & Sarah
Cat Wranglers x

mug with writing on saying "what good shall I do this day?"

Volunteer Positions Still Open!

By Community

So we are well into 2019, and Burning Nest is just around the corner. Alas, we are still seeking some truly fabulous and hopefully competent folks to add to our core team. We are nearly there, but there are a few roles available that would make a huge difference to us.

Please take a look at the info below, and if any of them tweak your interest, drop us a line at and we will arrange for a chat and a more detailed explanation of your role;

Department of Public Works

Lighting Lead - a key part of all Nest nights, 

Strike Lead - clean up duty and 

Transport Lead (for equipment not people).


Decor and Signage Lead - Let your imagination run riot

Centre Camp Lead - Making sure great stuff happens there

Edge of Chaos (Ops and Legal)

Health and Safety - no further explanation needed surely!?

Burn and Events Perimeter - Safety third?

Cat Wrangling

Fluffing Co-Lead - supporting our very competent Lead to provide an outstanding Fluffing service to our hard working vols, before, during and after event.

Info Lead - A vague idea of having an info station onsite, it's a new one, any inspiration out there?

As we've always said at any of our community events, although experience in the area of your interest would be a bonus, enthusiasm and capability are definitely more important. So if you think you may not be right for something but it really floats your boat, drop us a line and we can chat to you about it, crazier things have happened!

Don't forget, Burning Nest is a community event, we the community make it, so don't be shy, get involved, it takes a village to put this shizzle together, there's a space for everyone.

Drop us a line;

cheers m'dears

Mands & Sarah

(Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash)