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welcome home

The 2022 theme is… WELCOME HOME

By Art, Nest 2022

It’s time to go home! After two years of being estranged from our beloved Nest it is finally time where we can all gather on the glade again and welcome each other home in whatever way that means to you at a burn. Be it your spiritual home, your desired community home or just the place where you feel your supreme self in the comfort of your own body. Home. 

As we’ve spent the best part of two years in houses, vans, caves and buildings, furnished with memories, tat and loving comforts. This year's theme aims to make that transition back into the glade a little softer. Maybe even blur the lines a little. 

‘Welcome Home’ is the theme. Imagine a glade full of those comforts; lamps, rugs, cushions, picture frame walls, board games, candle sticks and chimneys. Whatever home means to you bring those comforts to the glade and let us invite each other in. Maybe there’s something that kept you real warm these past two years that you’re not ready to part with or would like to share with a stranger. Maybe it’s a book you read that changed your outlook. Maybe it’s a comfy toy so hugged it’s holy. Maybe you’ve finally perfected that family recipe and want to have a dinner party by the lake with some old or new friends. 

Whatever has kept you warm these past two years and feel comfortable to do so then by all means please bring. We want to see what home means to you, in every sense of the word. And what’s a better welcome home then a massive welcome home party! It’s going to be a special one this year and we can’t wait to see you there.

With Nest not so far on the horizon, we would like to share with the community information and inspiration to contribute to this years burn. 


We are now opening applications for Arts Grants to contribute to the burn. We welcome all types of art and are committed to being a fully inclusive event.  

  • Please make sure you have read all of the information here: 
  • Please purchase a ticket to attend here: 
    • All artists, like everyone else, must purchase a membership to Nest 2022. 
    • If you are unable to afford a full membership, there will be low-income memberships available.
    • If you have not purchased a ticket yet, and are waiting for further ticketing sales, please let us know in your application. If the application is successful, we will do our best to help secure you a space.
  • Please fill in the application form if you are applying for a grant for an Art project, a Community project (performance or workshop) or a Theme Camp project. 

Deadline for Grants Applications is: April 8th, 2022


We have created a ‘mood board’ to give you ideas and inspiration that sparks creativity and collaboration. View the Pinterest board. We don’t know what home means to you, so if yours looks different, bring it! if your ideas don’t look like this, show us! 

For any further information or questions please email us at 

We are so excited to welcome you back to the glade to build this space together. 

Much love, 

Arts Realm Team