I was so sorry to miss the community site visit at the weekend, but i hear it all went down very well! The weather may be affecting various services but I'm staying cosy warm to bring you this installment of Nest News!
So, I’ve had a few people asking about how we communicate and keep everyone updated. Turns out we need to spread the word that all Nest comms are included on the Nest Website!! Which means if you miss any of the emails or you delete one by mistake, you can find them on the Nest News page.
Make sure you navigate your way there whenever you need to keep up to date on all things Nest. We also stay in touch through the Burning Nest Facebook group and soon will be getting you all excited on Twitter too! Ooooh!
Contents for this week - a particular focus for all you arty types:
- Effigy me!
- Granting you
- Collaboration station
- Transfer window
I'm a Burning effigy...!
Yes yes, i'm a secret Robbie Williams fan...
However, this one is about all you master carpenter and creators, because applications are now OPEN for Temple and Effigy designs!! You can apply via this handy online form Please get them into us by 19 March and be a phenomenally key part of what will be the best Nest yet.
Cycle Two for Art Grants!
Where else do you have the freedom to totally let your self-expression run wild, like you do in our Glade? Nowhere!! --Oh, wait...!!

Inspirational Collaboration Workshopational!
If you have ever wanted to make art for a burn but not known where to start.. If you think you don’t have the skills, or find the idea a little scary or intimidating… If you have a project you want to make but need collaborators… If you’d like to join an existing project, or meet other people and come up with something completely new…
This is the event for you! We’ll play some games and get creative. We’ll imagine what art can be, from the massive to the tiny, from the physical to the conceptual and beyond. We’ll have new ideas, build confidence and create collaborations. And we’ll be inspired by some great art from burns gone by. The Workshop Sensational will be held on 17 March in London. Full details available on the Facebook Event. Any enquiries, or if you want to share your stories of making art at Burns, or to RSVP, drop an email to the Mysterious Mr Jones nsoudry@gmail.comLast but not least...
I can't possibly get through a mail to you without mentioning memberships or badgering you to get one if you haven't already! So here it is. There are a few key points... Pay close attention.
Our Low Income Low Wealth membership applications are open and we’re very pleased to have received applications! We’ve got some super new guidance on these special memberships, so make sure you read up before you apply. We’ve also got our other memberships available – those specifically for carers, support people and other key folk as part of our Inclusion and Accessibility programme. Take a look at the dedicated site page for all info on how to apply. For everyone else who is privileged enough to opt for our regular memberships, more very important info. Super Early Bird memberships have gone and we're now into the next tier of Early Bird. They are VERY limited. Once they're gone, they're gone. And in fact, once we release the next tier at the beginning of April, ALL memberships will automatically turn into No Bird, which are the most expensive. You have a month. Get yours quick! Now, transfers... When we switch to No Bird at the beginning of April, we will open the Transfer Window. Think of it like the Premier League of Membership Transfer... If you need to transfer your ticket to anyone, for a gift or to off load your purchase you will be able to manage this yourself via Self-Transfer, provided you BOTH have a fully completed Burner BioMemberships Recap:
- Accessibility and Inclusion applications are OPEN
- Low Income applications are OPEN
- No Bird tier (the most expensive) will be switched on at start of April
- You only have a month left to get a discounted Membership
- Transfers will be available from beginning of April
Gosh. So much info! We'll be bringing more news to you next week, with the first of our spotlight pieces on each Nest department and what each of them do to bring you to all the funzies at Nest.
Don't forget if you delete this by accident, ALL the info will be on the NEST NEWS page on the Burning Nest website and keep checking back to get the most up to date info there at any moment. I'm off to defrost me wings. Frosty snogs. ~ Siren ~ Nest Central