De-de-der derr-der-derr-de-derrrr!
Waaaah. It's all too much. Too much to think about and prepare!! Let us help you.
At this point in the proceedings, there are two key things: What to bring, and where to hang out when you get there! That's what this Nest News is all about.
Contents for this week
Planning & Preparation
Big piece of prep for Burning is always what to bring. Invariably, we must pack out what we pack in, however we do that. Here's some advice from our LNT Lead, Stacy:

Leave No Trace (LNT) is one of the core principles of every Burn event. We each take personal responsibility for our impact and true LNT means that Burners leave only foot prints, for the long-term survival of our event and both the immediate and wider environment.
LNT starts with what we bring and how we get there, but intrinsically is about how we behave on site and beyond. We don’t leave MOOP – or Matter Out Of Place. Anything that isn’t in your tent or attached to you can be considered MOOP. Our LNT team has some top tips for reducing your impact before, during and after Nest.
Make travel as sustainable as possible by
taking public transport, organising a coach, ride-sharing, or even cycling to and from the site! You could even meet some Nestlings en route and make new friends!
Remove all
excess packaging from everything you buy (food, supplies, tools) before you pack it. Reducing packaging is one of the best ways to avoid MOOP at Nest. Compostable containers are better; re-usable containers are best. You will be expected to take any excessive amounts of rubbish home with you. You absolutely
must not dump it when you leave the site.
Bin bags, your own cup and bowl, portable ashtrays. Ensure you pack bin bags for trash and recycling and some way to get food waste to the compost zone. Bring your own cup and bowl: disposable cups, plates and cutlery are one of the biggest sources of trash at festivals. Burners make sure they always have an easy-to-carry
reusable cup with them to use anywhere, anytime. Be responsible for your cup and keep with you for those surprise gift shots and margaritas!
Cigarette butts are the most common MOOP item. Buy or make a portable ashtray (a mint tin, for instance) to collect your cigarette butts and ashes. Never, ever drop butts.
Glitter in any format, feather boas or sequinned items - basically anything that can fall off your clothing. Burners love to be glittery, but these little pieces of plastic, almost impossible to recover in full, are the worst offenders of MOOP and contaminate the local environment. Even biodegradable glitter will last a few months on the ground, and we want the site to look like we weren’t there
the day after the event. If you’re an experienced Burner, set an example for newer members and express your beautiful selves using paint, costumes, your words and actions.
At Nest
Do a daily MOOP sweep of your tent area. If you are with a theme camp, do a regular line sweep of your camp with your camp-mates making sure you cover the whole area, and picking up all MOOP. Nothing is too small. If it wasn’t there before you arrived, it must not be there when you leave (or at any time in between). In camping LNT, we call this “making your tent bomb-proof”!
Key rule is:
Never let MOOP hit the ground. Clean as you go. MOOP attracts more MOOP. When you see trash on the ground, pick it up and take it with you. Be the change you wish to see! Encourage your co-participants to do the same. Don’t be afraid to let someone know they’ve dropped rubbish or used the wrong bin - we are all here to help each other.
LNT for Life
Consider your impact while at Nest, on the way home and in your default life. How can you change your actions to lower your carbon costs, reduce waste, compost more, and encourage others to do the same? Oooh. Deep.
If you have any questions or you want to volunteer, please contact your LNT Lead Stacy at or fill out the
volunteer form. Each theme camp
must have an LNT liaison - and you must get in touch with Stacy asap, so don't delay.
Room Service!
So OMAFG, a HUGE number of Cabins/Camps have registered to come to Nest this year. Seriously we are all spoilt for choice. Because there are too many to tell you about on Nest News by the time Nest actually arrives, we will be doing a big overhaul of the Cabin Page on the website to fill you all in, so to speak. I know i promised this last week - it's taking a while because there's SO MUCH to share. Pls bear with.
Instead, here's a teeny precis for some of them, just to whet your appetite...
Intergalactic Häus of Mojo
A cosmic dive bar on the edges of Neo-Orleans. A relaxing space during the day, with music in the evening. Not accepting new members at the mo but Mojo will be an great space for anyone with accessibility requirements and they will be hosting workshops.
Camp Flim Flam
Here to provide Nest 2018 with immersive theatrical experiences. Be transported from the constraints of material reality to the theatrical possibilities of imaginarial realms. The Flim Flammers will bring you a series of morphing, shape shifting characters and experiences. Accepting new members and family friendly, Flim Flam are your go-to for day time delights.
The Kinema in the Woods
A lovely chilled space for people to experience a pre-millennial life-style when television only had three channels and VHS was considered an advanced technology, with a nice cup of tea and a biccie for anyone dropping by to chat ... Remember those times?

Flight Academy
Our super brilliant family friendly home of excitement. We'll have disco, storytelling, puppet theatre, Fairy Camp, foraging walks, mini costume camp. Inflatables for the water and general amusement. More of a chilled out cabin, open to all with the caveat that there will be children. We'll also have hot drinks and Mom snacks. What's not to love?
A wonderful fluffy centred place. Tea service, Cuddle puddles, Yoga, meditation, sharing circles. Definitely accepting new members and will be lots of super workshops and activities going on here.
The Flamin' Merkins
The best margaritas you've ever tasted. Ever. You don't need to know anything else.You can also find lots of info for everything on
the Facebook Group, so do head there to hook yourself up!We are still actively anticipating wider community members step up and do wider community things, like organising hippy buses from major cities as but one example, or maybe thinking about the little things that will grease Nest's wheels that the Core Team don't have capacity for. There is no such thing as a bad idea. Get on it, please.
Whoop whoop it's gonna be amazing! Come and join in with
all the huge excitement and online fun on the Burning Nest Facebook Group.
Smouldering Snogs!
~ Siren ~