We're sure you'll have realised by now: we love to burn things, here at Nest. It's in our nature. It's in our name! But what are the Temple and Effigy burns, and how are they different?

The first Burning Man event was a group of just 36 people, on a San Francisco beach. Larry Harvey called his friend Jerry James, and told him he wanted to burn a man on the summer solstice. So they constructed a man from wood, doused it in gasoline, and set it alight. The Burning Man event has grown from 36 to 70,000 participants each year, but the central event remains the same.
At Burning Nest, we traditionally have two burns, usually held on the Saturday and Sunday at the end of the event.

Effigy Burn
The Effigy Burn is a celebration of life - a party, usually accompanied by dancing, performance, music and excitement. Past Effigies have consisted of pyramids, rockets and, of course, a man. It's usually held on a Saturday evening, just as it's getting dark - and is usually followed by our last big night of partying!
Temple Burn
The Temple Burn is a time for reflection, and quiet contemplation. We use the Temple Burn as a chance to look back on everything we've learned and experienced this year, and to prepare for our trip back to the default world. That's not to say it's sad - this time can be very spiritual and healing - people often write messages and wishes on the Temple, to be burned away.

We need your help!
If all of this has sparked a fire of inspiration inside you, then we need your help! We need help creating and realising both burns this year - could this be you? Get in touch with arts@burningnest.co.uk if so, or fill in this handy application form (we really do love a form) x