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Nest 2020

Information relating to Nest 2020

Reduce your food miles with our communal Riverford food order!

By Community, Nest 2020

Communal Effort is one of our 11 Principles here at Burning Nest. This can take many forms (and let's be honest, our event wouldn't exist without it), but one of our favourites is the way our community bands together to solve a common goal.

This year, one of our stars, Iona, has volunteered to co-ordinate a communal fruit and veg order from Riverford Farm, a veg box company located near our site in Exeter.

This will mean a lot less driving on and off site, as we will be getting a delivery at the beginning of the week and one in the middle.

If you'd like to join in on this community-organised initiative, please do the following:

  • Put your name at the top of a new column. If you are requesting two deliveries, create two columns and name them appropriately
  • Specify the quantity in KGs or Grams or Units, of the item you'd like, in the correct box in the column
  • When you have selected everything you'd like, use the Unit Prices for each item to calculate your total cost, and enter it at the bottom of the column in the "Total Cost Of Your Order" row
  • Please transfer via Paypal, the total amount to Iona at Remember to select "Friends and Family" so that Iona does not get charged extra for providing this service! If you'd prefer to send your payment as a "Payment For Goods and Services", please add on 3.4% + 20p, so that your total amount does not fall short.
  • Last orders are Monday 11th May - so get started nice and early!

If you have any questions about the service at all, please contact Iona directly!

Burn baby, burn: our Temple and Effigy

By Art, Nest 2020

We're sure you'll have realised by now: we love to burn things, here at Nest. It's in our nature. It's in our name! But what are the Temple and Effigy burns, and how are they different?

2019's Temple Burn

The first Burning Man event was a group of just 36 people, on a San Francisco beach. Larry Harvey called his friend Jerry James, and told him he wanted to burn a man on the summer solstice. So they constructed a man from wood, doused it in gasoline, and set it alight. The Burning Man event has grown from 36 to 70,000 participants each year, but the central event remains the same.

At Burning Nest, we traditionally have two burns, usually held on the Saturday and Sunday at the end of the event.

2017's Temple Burn

Effigy Burn

The Effigy Burn is a celebration of life - a party, usually accompanied by dancing, performance, music and excitement. Past Effigies have consisted of pyramids, rockets and, of course, a man. It's usually held on a Saturday evening, just as it's getting dark - and is usually followed by our last big night of partying!

Temple Burn

The Temple Burn is a time for reflection, and quiet contemplation. We use the Temple Burn as a chance to look back on everything we've learned and experienced this year, and to prepare for our trip back to the default world. That's not to say it's sad - this time can be very spiritual and healing - people often write messages and wishes on the Temple, to be burned away.

We need your help!

If all of this has sparked a fire of inspiration inside you, then we need your help! We need help creating and realising both burns this year - could this be you? Get in touch with if so, or fill in this handy application form (we really do love a form) x

Introducing the Edge of Chaos Team

By Nest 2020, Volunteering

You may have heard your fellow nestlings talking about the Edge of Chaos team. But what is it, and what do they do?

Edge of Chaos (or EOC) are the Nestlings who ensure that our great plans, for structures, activities or workshops, are safe and comply with local rules. While the Burn is a great opportunity to do new and exciting things, we still have to operate in the default world - and as such, EOC ensure we're kept safe and sound.

If this sounds like something you might like to join in with, lucky for you! The EOC are currently looking for new volunteers! Check out this document for more in-depth details, and email to sign up, or for more information!

Come with us on our site visit on 22nd February!

By Community, Nest 2020

Are you planning a theme camp or art installation? Not been to Burning Nest before, but want to see the lay of the land?

Why not join us at our site visit on 22nd February, where we have a wander around the Nest site? Meet fellow Nestlings ahead of time, share some lunch, maybe a few pints, all in the Exeter countryside!

We will be meeting at the Nest site (precise directions will be emailed to all interested parties) at 12 noon on Saturday 22nd February. We'd recommend getting to Newton Abbot in Exeter for 11.30am - more details of where to meet will be sent out.

How to get involved with this fantabulous site visit? Just email to be added to our list!

Volunteering for 2020!

By Nest 2020, Volunteering

Hello Lovelies,

This is your friendly Department of Nepotism and Coercion (formerly known as DPW), the spread sheeting has begun and we have some requests to put to the community and a shiny new sign up form for you to volunteer on the build and strike teams.


This year we would love to start building a stock of tools that will be kept and maintained by the DNC. If you have any tools that you no longer need and would be willing to donate to Nest let us know!


We will need the use of a 4x4 vehicle during build, event time and strike (18/05/20 - 3/06/20). In the past this vehicle had been rented, but we thought it would be worth reaching out to you all to see if there’s an opportunity to keep it in the community. The vehicle will be used to transport tools, materials and people and driven somewhat offroad, so only get in touch if this doesn’t strike fear into your vehicles heart. 


We will be looking for people to volunteer in lots of different capacities for both build and strike. If you would like to volunteer to be on the build or strike team please fill in this form

If you have a particular interest in co-ordinating a team or any special skills that you think would suit a role with a little more responsibility than wielding a hammer please get in touch.

Vacant Roles:

-Lighting Link (responsible for co-ordinating placement of lighting)

-Strike Link (responsible for co-ordinating strike team)

-Signage Link (responsible for co-ordinating all site signage) 

Thank You,


Theme Camp applications now open!

By Nest 2020, Theme Camps

Do you have a burning desire to bring a Theme Camp to Nest? Then please fill out our Theme Camp Application form NO LATER THAN 20TH MARCH.

What are Theme Camps?

A Theme Camp can be a bar giving out gifts of food or drink, a place to dance, a quiet sanctuary for workshops and cuddles... they are whatever you want them to be! If you bring it, the Nestlings will come!

We need to know who is bringing what, so we can plan out where to put you, and how to organise your power and infrastructure needs.

How do I join a Theme Camp?

Once we know which Theme Camps are coming to Burning Nest in 2020, then we will add details of how to join any camps that may be open to new members. Watch this space, and keep an eye on our Facebook Community page too.