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Art Grants Still Open!

By Art

Just a reminder, the second round of art grands is STILL OPEN! You have until March 29th to submit your plan for your masterpiece - all the information you'll need is on the Art Grants page.

Good luck!

Site Visit 17th March!

By Community
We’re planning our Site visit for 18th March. The format will be a rendezvous at the site at a very specific time on SUNDAY 18th MARCH – pay attention… early comers will not be allowed on site. Come on hippies, if there’s one thing you’re good at, it’s doing stuff in the afternoon.

If you would like to have a little shenanigans and a stay over the night before, you will also need to let us know.  Everyone who has expressed interest in attending will be given the full details on confirmation. All are welcome, as ever!
Please register your interest via this form if you would like to come, if you would like to join on the Saturday evening and if you need a lift!

Theme Camp Applications OPEN!

By Theme Camps
We can now proudly declare, applications for theme camps are open! If you’re planning to grace our primordial wonderland with your theme camps, please fill out the application form. This provides essential information for the core team to undertake all the boring stuff (placement, risk assessment etc.) that brings your vision to life and helps us to promote your camp and to grow the buzz around Nest 2019.

You can submit the form once you have filled in the basics, such as contact details, and return to add to it later but we need your complete form by 31st March (that’s a hard deadline hippies!). This is not a licence to be a last-minute merchant either; the earlier you submit, the quicker we can send you important need-to-know information that will help with planning your camp.  
We have tried to make the form as clear and accessible as possible but if there’s anything you’re not 100% about, please contact our brilliant, tame and domesticated theme camp liaison Nick.
mug with writing on saying "what good shall I do this day?"

Volunteer Positions Still Open!

By Community

So we are well into 2019, and Burning Nest is just around the corner. Alas, we are still seeking some truly fabulous and hopefully competent folks to add to our core team. We are nearly there, but there are a few roles available that would make a huge difference to us.

Please take a look at the info below, and if any of them tweak your interest, drop us a line at and we will arrange for a chat and a more detailed explanation of your role;

Department of Public Works

Lighting Lead - a key part of all Nest nights, 

Strike Lead - clean up duty and 

Transport Lead (for equipment not people).


Decor and Signage Lead - Let your imagination run riot

Centre Camp Lead - Making sure great stuff happens there

Edge of Chaos (Ops and Legal)

Health and Safety - no further explanation needed surely!?

Burn and Events Perimeter - Safety third?

Cat Wrangling

Fluffing Co-Lead - supporting our very competent Lead to provide an outstanding Fluffing service to our hard working vols, before, during and after event.

Info Lead - A vague idea of having an info station onsite, it's a new one, any inspiration out there?

As we've always said at any of our community events, although experience in the area of your interest would be a bonus, enthusiasm and capability are definitely more important. So if you think you may not be right for something but it really floats your boat, drop us a line and we can chat to you about it, crazier things have happened!

Don't forget, Burning Nest is a community event, we the community make it, so don't be shy, get involved, it takes a village to put this shizzle together, there's a space for everyone.

Drop us a line;

cheers m'dears

Mands & Sarah

(Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash)

Art Grant Applications Open Soon!

By Art

This year we want your BIG ideas.

Overzealous, grandiose and terrifyingly ambitious pipe dreams. To support you, we have a bigger and better budget this year which we hope will get at least one ambitious project off the ground and into our Primordial Wonderland at Nest 2019. We’d like to encourage people who have ideas that may be too big for them to help support another project if their own application isn’t successful. This way we hope to build a strong community and network of artists collaborating to create bigger and better things each year, together. You can also find some helpful info and a few other resources on makerspaces which we hope you’ll find useful. Of course, we still want to hear about any and all of the smaller, more intimate pieces you’ve been dreaming about: the ideas that make Nest the incredibly special space that we love. This year we are holding two cycles of funding applications. Cycle 1; 11th December to 31st January Cycle 2; 1st February to 29th March We ask anyone with big projects requesting in excess of £800 to apply during Cycle 1 so we can give you the go ahead with enough time for your creation to be realised. Since we are encouraging BIGGER projects this year we will do our best to support you with hefty upfront costs such as large orders of materials. If you have a question about art grants, then contact

Nest 2019: We need volunteers!

By Community

For those that attended one of the many Decom events in London recently, I hope you had a fab time, connected with both old and new friends, had a shed load of fun and managed to decompress. During Daycom Amanda (Lead Cat Wrangler), Iona (Lead Community Ambassador) and Radiant (Lead Ranger) gave a short chat about Nest to a group of experienced and virginal burners.

We had a lot of feedback about how many of you though 2018 was our best Nest yet (and as of course we had constructive stuff that we are working on too, but lets focus on the fluffy stuff here!). For the core team, we work on Nest though out the year, starting with just a few hours a month and building to ...well... whatever you have time for! Many of the core team have kindly (nuttily) agreed to take on the roles they had last year, however we want to ensure we are giving other community members the opportunity to get involved too, so we think its important to bring in co-leads for each function as a more manageable way to bring people into the organisation. The idea of co-leads is to reduce burnout and build a more capable and inclusive team, the more the merrier. If we are gonna be "Burnier Than Thou", lets also not forget about the brownie points you'd be getting for some of our principles;

participation, self-reliance, communal effort, civic responsibility and hopefully a bit of self expression too.

The lead roles we are really keen to find some lovely peeps for asap are;

Arts; lots of help needed here; Decor Lead, Art Project & Grants lead
Community; Ambassador Co Lead
Tech; Co Lead (with design experience)
Cat Wrangling; (Volunteering) Co Lead
Rangering: Co Lead

We would also love some folks that would love to turn both the gate and our fluffing experience into a really wowing experience, what do you think would be amazing and how would you do it? Crazier the better!

As you can see there is a real diversity of roles. So if you think now is the time you wanna step up and give a bit more back to the community, please email We can have a chat about what you'd like to do and we can point you in the right direction.

Nest is only as good as the effort we ALL put into it, so come on and show us how fab you are!

The Final Countdown!

By Uncategorized

De-de-der derr-der-derr-de-derrrr!

Waaaah. It's all too much. Too much to think about and prepare!! Let us help you. At this point in the proceedings, there are two key things: What to bring, and where to hang out when you get there! That's what this Nest News is all about.

Contents for this week 

  • Preparation

Planning & Preparation

Big piece of prep for Burning is always what to bring. Invariably, we must pack out what we pack in, however we do that. Here's some advice from our LNT Lead, Stacy: Leave No Trace (LNT) is one of the core principles of every Burn event. We each take personal responsibility for our impact and true LNT means that Burners leave only foot prints, for the long-term survival of our event and both the immediate and wider environment. LNT starts with what we bring and how we get there, but intrinsically is about how we behave on site and beyond. We don’t leave MOOP – or Matter Out Of Place. Anything that isn’t in your tent or attached to you can be considered MOOP.  Our LNT team has some top tips for reducing your impact before, during and after Nest. Planning Make travel as sustainable as possible by taking public transport, organising a coach, ride-sharing, or even cycling to and from the site! You could even meet some Nestlings en route and make new friends! Remove all excess packaging from everything you buy (food, supplies, tools) before you pack it. Reducing packaging is one of the best ways to avoid MOOP at Nest. Compostable containers are better; re-usable containers are best. You will be expected to take any excessive amounts of rubbish home with you. You absolutely must not dump it when you leave the site. WHAT TO BRING Bin bags, your own cup and bowl, portable ashtrays. Ensure you pack bin bags for trash and recycling and some way to get food waste to the compost zone. Bring your own cup and bowl: disposable cups, plates and cutlery are one of the biggest sources of trash at festivals. Burners make sure they always have an easy-to-carryreusable cup with them to use anywhere, anytime. Be responsible for your cup and keep with you for those surprise gift shots and margaritas! Cigarette butts are the most common MOOP item. Buy or make a portable ashtray (a mint tin, for instance) to collect your cigarette butts and ashes. Never, ever drop butts. WHAT NOT TO BRING Glitter in any format, feather boas or sequinned items - basically anything that can fall off your clothing. Burners love to be glittery, but these little pieces of plastic, almost impossible to recover in full, are the worst offenders of MOOP and contaminate the local environment. Even biodegradable glitter will last a few months on the ground, and we want the site to look like we weren’t there the day after the event. If you’re an experienced Burner, set an example for newer members and express your beautiful selves using paint, costumes, your words and actions. At Nest Do a daily MOOP sweep of your tent area. If you are with a theme camp, do a regular line sweep of your camp with your camp-mates making sure you cover the whole area, and picking up all MOOP. Nothing is too small. If it wasn’t there before you arrived, it must not be there when you leave (or at any time in between). In camping LNT, we call this “making your tent bomb-proof”! Key rule is: Never let MOOP hit the ground. Clean as you go. MOOP attracts more MOOP. When you see trash on the ground, pick it up and take it with you. Be the change you wish to see! Encourage your co-participants to do the same. Don’t be afraid to let someone know they’ve dropped rubbish or used the wrong bin - we are all here to help each other. LNT for Life Consider your impact while at Nest, on the way home and in your default life. How can you change your actions to lower your carbon costs, reduce waste, compost more, and encourage others to do the same? Oooh. Deep. If you have any questions or you want to volunteer, please contact your LNT Lead Stacy or fill out the volunteer form. Each theme camp must have an LNT liaison - and you must get in touch with Stacy asap, so don't delay.

Room Service! 

So OMAFG, a HUGE number of Cabins/Camps have registered to come to Nest this year. Seriously we are all spoilt for choice. Because there are too many to tell you about on Nest News by the time Nest actually arrives, we will be doing a big overhaul of the Cabin Page on the website to fill you all in, so to speak. I know i promised this last week - it's taking a while because there's SO MUCH to share. Pls bear with. Instead, here's a teeny precis for some of them, just to whet your appetite...
Intergalactic Häus of Mojo 
A cosmic dive bar on the edges of Neo-Orleans. A relaxing space during the day, with music in the evening. Not accepting new members at the mo but Mojo will be an great space for anyone with accessibility requirements and they will be hosting workshops.
Camp Flim Flam Here to provide Nest 2018 with immersive theatrical experiences. Be transported from the constraints of material reality to the theatrical possibilities of imaginarial realms. The Flim Flammers will bring you a series of morphing, shape shifting characters and experiences. Accepting new members and family friendly, Flim Flam are your go-to for day time delights.
The Kinema in the Woods A lovely chilled space for people to experience a pre-millennial life-style when television only had three channels and VHS was considered an advanced technology, with a nice cup of tea and a biccie for anyone dropping by to chat ... Remember those times? 
Flight Academy Our super brilliant family friendly home of excitement. We'll have disco, storytelling, puppet theatre, Fairy Camp, foraging walks, mini costume camp. Inflatables for the water and general amusement. More of a chilled out cabin, open to all with the caveat that there will be children. We'll also have hot drinks and Mom snacks. What's not to love?
Panravia A wonderful fluffy centred place. Tea service, Cuddle puddles, Yoga, meditation, sharing circles. Definitely accepting new members and will be lots of super workshops and activities going on here.
The Flamin' Merkins The best margaritas you've ever tasted. Ever. You don't need to know anything else.You can also find lots of info for everything on the Facebook Group, so do head there to hook yourself up!We are still actively anticipating wider community members step up and do wider community things, like organising hippy buses from major cities as but one example, or maybe thinking about the little things that will grease Nest's wheels that the Core Team don't have capacity for. There is no such thing as a bad idea. Get on it, please. Whoop whoop it's gonna be amazing! Come and join in with all the huge excitement and online fun on the Burning Nest Facebook Group. Smouldering Snogs! ~ Siren ~

The Nest at the End of the Tunnel

By Uncategorized

The Nest at the End of the Tunnel! 

Weeeellll, you can tell we’re merely weeks away, can’t you? [err, that’s 6 weeks, Siren, not 10 – J]. Everyone is getting super excited and all the facebook and engagement action going on is just making us all beside ourselves!!! The number of New Nestlings (or Newlings, if you will!) is incredible and we’re all so looking forward to welcoming you all to our Glade! So, a LOT to cover in this one. Pay close attention!

Contents for this week 

  • Mini memberships (and others!)
  • What?! Where... WHEN. 
  • Cabin me on
  • Write on Community Meeting 
We are Faaaammmilleeee!!!  Did you know that with if you’re bringing your rug-rats to Nest that there are some super things we’ve put in place to help? Firstly, under 12s go free - YAY! However, they do still need a membership – mainly for head count, insurance and health and safety things. Please email our shrieking harpy of a families lead, Jackdaw, at with the names and ages of your attending small ones.  We also appreciate that the change in date for this year means some families are finding it a challenge to get there for the whole week. We are thinking there might be a good amount of families that would just like to come for the weekend. If this is you, please drop Jackdaw an email with your interest and we can look to releasing a special Weekend Family Membership to help! Don’t forget we have a whole HEAP of special access and supportive memberships available to help get yo ass to our Glade! As for the rest of you, don’t forget we are CAPPING MEMBERSHIPS at 490. We will sell out. There are fewer than 120 left. If you don’t have one, well… what are you waiting for??!! Eventing shout outs!  You wanna bring some fabulous art, a mesmerising event or workshop, or have a great community project to share? We LOVE you for it!  If you’ve applied for a grant, we should have your details already, but for those who are doing this under their own funding, we still want to hear about YOU, so we can tell everyone else! If you’re running an event, there is nothing to stop you running it under a tree, in your tent, on a grassy knoll or whatever part of our beautiful site calls to you. However, if you want a dedicated space, we recommend the following: Details are being added to the Theme Cabin page of all the teams who have registered so far. You should contact those Cabins or Camps you think will best suit your workshop. For example, if it’s transcendental meditation, we recommend Panriavia over Camp Crumpet. You can also email help with identifying and facilitating a place that will work for you. Another idea might be Centre Camp itself. Separating the theme camps from the open art space, Centre Camp provides standing room for up to 50 people. It’s completely covered and dry, including protection from wind, access to power and lighting as well as a stage for performances. You’re invited to make this a welcoming space with activities and workshops, performances, and your own presence and creative flair. Use of the space will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Again, email Programming to get a spot here. When you have the go-ahead from your chosen space, make sure the programming team has all the details by 1 May to get into the ‘What, Where, When’ guide! And if you need a location for your art pieces, for the duration of Nest, please fill in the questionnaire ASAP for that and inclusion in the guide!


Theme Cabin reggo opened a couple of weeks ago and we are quite overwhelmed by the amazing response. So far we have 10 cabins signed up and a few more to come. The story so far:
  • Intergalactic Häus of Mojo
  • Camp Flim Flam
  • The Kinema in the Woods
  • Family Camp
  • Les Sauvages
  • Psychedelephant
  • Cwtch
  • One Foot in the Rave
  • Panravia
  • The Flamin' Merkin

We’re updating the Theme Cabin page on the Nest Website over the next couple of days.

You can also find lots of info for each on the Facebook Group, so do head there to hook yourself up!


A huge thank you to everyone who came and participated in our London Community Meeting, be it in person or online. We are all so lucky to be part of this beautiful, kind, crazy and dynamic community. We got through a LOT and hopefully everyone left feeling valued, heard and most importantly EXCITED!! Actions and notes have been written up by our lovely Em. You can find them in our shared Nest folder along with some other key documents that we promised would be shared with the wider community. There was a lot of discussion on the way key decisions are made and how we want to progress as a community in future years to support the creation of Nest. Some super suggestions came out of the discussion, especially around engaging the whole of the community in the frameworks we create to facilitate Nest and also pushing more of activity out to community level and away from Core Team members and the vast majority were in agreement that is is a very positive move. To realise our collective evolution, we all recognised that better infrastructure is needed, so as part of the six month review that we have kicked off, we’ll be looking at how to improve  to communal discussion, through a platform such as Loomio. This was well received by everyone on Saturday so steps will be taken to facilitate once Nest 2018 is done. SO! This brings me nicely to my favourite drum to bang - as we are all equal participants, the idea for managing more activity at community level is something we can start with NOW. We managed to recruit a few more volunteers for key roles at Nest 2018 at the community meeting, but there are still lots of other things that everyone could do to contribute. Maybe you could look to arranging community transport – or Hippy Bus as we like to call it!. Volunteering at the event, to be a greeter, or ranger, or Welfare or loo person; devising and registering your workshops, submitting your theme cabin info and actively showing new members where they can apply to be part of your camp, whole cabins signing to be on rotation for the Vols Lounge this year… the list is literally endless. For those, like me, who are passionate about having more community involvement at an intrinsic level, here is your chance to step up and be a part of that exciting challenge! There’s no such thing as a bad idea - get on it. And that’s enough for this week! Told you it was a lot, didn’t i?! If you’re experiencing issues or have feedback, please reach out to me for impartial and non-judgemental engagement about anything: SO CANNOT WAIT to see you all in a brief few weeks in our BEYOOTIFUL Glade! (That’s 6 weeks, not 10!). Come and join in with all the huge excitement and online fun on the Burning Nest Facebook Group. SMOKING HOT LOVE!!! ~ Siren ~

Pump up the Vols!!

By Uncategorized

Pump Up the Vols! 

Ahhhhh... Can you believe we are but weeks away?! It's going to be here before you know it. As ever there are lots of little logistical things that we're going be asking of you in the coming weeks and especially giving you more and more opportunity to get involved. Remember, at Nest there are only participants. There are no observers. We don't sit on the sidelines. Even the shyest of Nestlings are no wall flowers. We all get involved. And if you aren't already contributing directly to the event, here's your chance!! Newlings, Oldies and everyone in between. All are welcome to share their gifts. Now, you might be noticing a theme over the last few editions of Nest News and that is intentional. We want yo to see and experience the amount of work, the detail that goes in to the magic - all year round - gifted to you all by our Core Team. it's not the fairies who come and do it for you. Setting up our Home, in our Glade ready for you all to arrive and Nest the heck out of Spring takes a very lot of effort. Last week we heard from our lovely Edge of Chaos Leader, Sam. This week we have Amanda Connolly, our Chief Cat Herder to impart how you can get more involved! And if you haven't yet signed up for membership, remember we are limiting Memberships this year. if you want one, you need to get it NOW!

Contents for this week 

  • London Commune
  • Vol me up right nice!
  Community  So your Nestly involvement might start this Saturday with our next London COMMUNITY MEETING!!! Details are rrrrlllyyy simple: Queen of Hoxton, 14 April 2018 at 14:00! If you're not a Facebook fan and aren't on the group or Community Meeting event page, you can email our Community Ambassador Queen Nina Thunder to RSVP. And now... over to Amanda! ~ Siren ~ Recruiting!!!  Hey hey, lovely Nestlings! So it’s just under 10 weeks until we are back in our spiritual home, sharing love, laughs and whatever else floats your Nestling boats (or not, depending on the Edge of Chaos!) in what will obviously be our best year yet. This is all entirely dependent on having folks that add to our collective experience. This is what we really need right now. As is always the way with community events such as ours, we have some very busy people amongst our key contributors and some of our leads have needed to take a step back. So this means we have some holes we need to plug (calm down, Camp Crumpet!!). with the support of our lovely core team for you of course. We're now entering the critical run up to Nest and Volunteers are needed now more than ever. If you have some time on your hands over the next 10 weeks and realise it’s about time you did that participation stuff that we are always droning on about, take a look at our list of needs and drop us a line at to get involved (well its rude not to right!).
We are actively, energetically, looking for people to contribute in these roles:
  • DPW co lead
  • Ranger lead
  • Co Ambassador for our Community Folks
  • Greeter Lead
  • Volunteer Lounge lead
  • Info booth lead
  • Procurement lead
  • Theme Camp Liaison
  • Glamorous Assistant of Getting Shit Done (administrative support)
It would be super fantastic if we could find some capable, enthusiastic and happy Nestlings to join our current Core Team to help walk us all down that last bit of the path to the magical world of Burning Nest 2018. Don't be shy - we Radically Include anyone willing and able to give it a go. Get in touch! Amanda

Safety Third

By Uncategorized

CHAOS!! (or not)

Hello my lovelies, and welcome to the sunshine!  Aren't we all glad it's back? We've got a special comms from our Edge of Chaos leader Sam today, but a couple of things here before you go... Now, because of the Health and Safety aspect to Nest on our new site we are limiting Memberships this year. And now, we only have 130 left!!! if you haven't got yours, you need to get it NOW! Starting with the Edge of Chaos team below, we are also starting to ramp up for Volunteering, so if there's something you would like to do, or want to find out more, you can via the website.  And that's it from your Siren. I'll hand over to Sam! Remember if you misplace this email, you can find everything on the Nest News page of the Nest website. We also stay in touch through the Burning Nest Facebook group. Contents for this week 
  • Pay attention, you're at the Edge of Chaos
Welcome Mr Edgy! Hello my lovelies, and welcome to the sunshine!  Aren't we all glad it's back? We've got a special Salutations fellow Nestlings! I’m Sam/Mas the Edge of Chaos Director for Burning Nest. Which basically means I’m the friendly face of Nest to the powers that be at the council. Most importantly, however, I’m the friendly face of Civically Responsible Burning to all of you lovely people. My mission is to make sure everyone has the safe and fluffy Burn they deserve. This role means I straddle the line between Radical Self-Reliance/Expression and Nest’s legal obligation to look after all of you during the Burn. I’m certainly not here to dictate a load of rules then whip you into submission (*distant disappointed mewlings from Camp Crumpet drift on the wind*). However, we can expect some limits on our otherwise radically free existence for the event to go ahead legally and safely for everyone. Most importantly, respecting reasonable limits means that Nest can continue to go ahead and be an island of insanity and sanity on this lovely site for many years to come! The idea I want to put across here is that safety at Burns is everyone’s responsibility not just the core team’s. Radical Self-Reliance is one side of the coin, but Civic Responsibility and Communal Effort highlight our responsibility to each other when co-creating Burns and ensuring their future. Our new home is beautiful. It’s a giant playground to explore and there’s all sorts to discover over the course of the week. There is, however, some hazards/hippy traps. Namely, two large lakes and some waterfalls. The potential for aquatic fun is huge, there are also obvious risks. The exact policy on lake usage/swimming isn’t established yet, so stay tuned. All I want to say here is be safe! Look after each other and when the guidance around the lakes is published please listen to it. It’s to keep everyone safe, Nest legal and insured, and the site owner on our team. Now for the fun stuff. Do you want to look after your fellow nestlings, play with a radio and ambulate for a few hours during the Event? Then you’re in luck. We need Rangers, Perimiter Ninjas, and Fire Marshals to be the sober voice of reason when everything else is melting. We have a training workshop on site developed by Brad, a Black Rock Ranger, so it’s the good stuff. If that sounds like your cup of char, or if you just want to get in touch with me then email or and we’ll have a chat. I can’t wait to see you all in June! Damp English hugs,
